Thursday, 19 July 2012


I always heard of how people have a different perspective when they know that you are an overseas graduate but I never experience it myself first hand.

I was attending a customer - a husband and a wife - and before they leave, I hand over my card to them. They read it and exclaim proudly, "You are from XXX in Australia?" The wife asked furthermore, "XXX in XXXXX?" I nodded. And that's when I saw it.

It turns out that their children are in Australia too, studying together at a different state. Their eyes showed these proud sparkles when we talk. They seem to have these impressions that I am good at what I do - just because I am an overseas graduate. And somehow there are flickers in their eyes, hoping that their children will turn out as good as I am.

That got me thinking. Perhaps this is how my parents feel whenever they talked about me to their friends. Like this hope and trusts that I will be great. The pride and all.

But I am not sure whether I really do make them proud ...


  1. got one.. haha... how we perceive education and how it is to them is totally different ba.. but usually the older generation, to them its a huge thing ba.. haha..

    are-5th, youre from XXXXX arr? wahhhhh.... -.- *rolleyes* i from XXXXXXXXX leh... cheh... *flip hair*....


  2. Haha, I think that's my parents are thinking when boasting to my uncles with my hooligan cousins. Lol! You make mama and papa proud! :P

  3. And why is there the XXX mention on the card ?

  4. ROFL, same here... its quite amusing but sometimes i fear that there will b the time when reality starts crashing. It is not that big of a deal lol
