Workload is increasing and no, I'm not complaining. I like having my workload increased. After having quite some time of slow paced working aka no cases on hand aka makan gaji buta, this past few weeks has been making me go for inspections, go to Land Office, meet clients etc. I don't say it often but during this time, I really love my job =)
On another note, just last week the dermatologist for the skin care that I'm using, flew from US to this small town here. So, I took the opportunity for him, a real dermatologist, and not a therapist which I frequent, to check my skin. Result? Meh, same old, same old. My skin is way too oily. Quoting his words, "Your skin is too, too, too, too, too, too, too oily!" He suspects its something to do with what I eat. So, he said no more chocolates, biscuits (does chips count?), milo, chicken skin, peanuts and seafood for me. He said these are the things that can cause oily skin. I can skip the milo, the chicken skin (this is hard!), the peanuts, the biscuits, but chocolate and seafood? Alamak!!
He prescribed me some more products but he specifically said that I need to get my internal problem fix first. Or else the products he prescribed is not going to do any work. But luckily, the therapist understands that I am having quite a tight budget. She advised me to prioritise the detox drink first, only then buy the external products. So, that is going to be included in June/ July budget? For the time being, I'll stick to my detox supplement that I got from Shaklee, along with my other supplements from Amway. And also to stop eating all the stuff that's making my skin oily.
So, that's juts about it. All the 'interesting' events ever since I'm resting for a while from blogging. =)